Alex Highet

Massage Therapist

Welcome! Please find here all the information you need about massage sessions. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions to make you feel more secure about having a good experience.

We have sessions available at our beautiful new Praxis Saturdays and Sundays. Home visits are available each Wednesday to Friday.


Treatment Process


We talk about your specific requirements and needs for helping us to find the best treatment.

Aroma Therapy

A personalised selection of quality essential oils will be blended to suit your needs at that moment.


Full or partial body massage based on classic/Swedish massage drawing from other techniques and practices – from firm to light pressure as you will benefit the best.


Once the massage has finished I will offer the space you need to come around in your own time.



For those needing financial flexibility I offer sliding scale on home visits. Also go to the bottom of the Contact page to sign up for reduced price clearance slots for my Praxis which are typically mailed on Saturday mornings for the coming weekend.

For those who need to consider physical accessibility, the Praxis is ground floor and has a ramp to the front door. I have worked for some time as a care and support worker so have experience working with people with physical limitations. If you have specific requirements just let me know in advance so we can be prepared.